For both ladies and men, the time for back to school is a reason to rebirth your style. With a new set of clothes and those perfect shoes, why not complete the look with a hair style sure to keep everyone jealous from period to period.
Men and Their Hair
If there is one hair style that seems to have remained popular it is the style we will call the Jonas. The Jonas Brothers are not just popular with the ladies, but with the guys as well. All over the school yards, guys with curly hair who once kept their locks short, are allowing those curls to show thanks to the popularity of the natural curl. This style is easy to maintain with a little leave in conditioner and a cool hair dryer on low. The key is to not over dry the hair, but to stop about 5 minutes before the locks are totally dry and allowing them to dry to a natural lustrous curl for those last 5 minutes.
Ladies and Their Locks
Ladies, the sky is the limit when it comes to hair and hair styles this year. The most popular look out there seems to be the natural, straight cut. There are some with bangs, others with layers but all hair seems to be long and flowing. The up styles are half hearted and seem to be lacking care, but in all reality this is the purpose of the style.
So, in the mornings, if there is just not enough time to create the perfect do, why not try throwing your hair into a soft bun or a hand pulled pony tail. When all else fails, use a shine product on those tresses and leave the rest to Mother nature.